Friday, February 24, 2012

We are currently preparing to screen print a number of shirts for our upcoming performance in Pittsburgh.  Our intention is to have these available for purchase going forward.  Below is an illustration of the design:

The shirts themselves have been ordered; and, we are looking to screen a batch of these sometime within the next week.  If interested in purchasing a shirt online, contact us at to make formal arrangements.

As an addendum to this post, below is a listing of the lyrics to the Relique songs from the split release.  These were not provided in the tape inserts due to the aesthetics of simplicity when we designed/printed them off. 


Denizens of Defeat
Fill in the ranks for there is no retreat,
We are the denizens of defeat.
Our tired bodies broken, beaten and torn.
Now toe the line and take up your arms.

Shackled by spirals of time and deceit,
We are the denizens of defeat.
Servants so long to the masters of this place.
The serpent of destiny coils its tail again!

Time will not wait for you….
It no longer waits for any man.

A Long Winter Lies Ahead
A long winter lies ahead for those who long for the light.
Bitter cold and blackened trees lay barren, vapid with blight.
The death knell tolls now endlessly.
Resonant aeons of rendered decay.

There is no hope, no chance of reprieve.
In this, our home, misery and famine hold sway.
There is no mercy for a dying breed, watching with frozen stare
Its own finality…..

The winds of the past – its billowing darkness
will toll upon the bell.
This unholy tempest will not yield.
Behold, its majesty and doom.

A long winter lies ahead for those who long for the light.
And time no longer waits for any man,
Nor grants repose from the chill of night.
There is only reproach for this lofty breed.
Frigid, stoic and gazing at their own demise.
No pity, whatsoever, I grant them no pity.

Tempest Beyond the Temporal Gates
The frost and fires burn
long into the night,
as charnel piles illuminate
into glowing funeral pyres.

The best in men has been vested
motionless, by lack of conviction.
While the worst set loose and asunder,
Upon us now.
Voracious are they!

As the storm draws near
we gather amongst the hilltop
Pallid and forlorn
Pitiless, staring into the frozen sun.

With vantage of the valley below
we wait, delaying our decent
for when the usurpers are finally upon us.
They shall soon know death!!!!!!!

Charlatans of the highest order!
Know this:
A cold and bitter wind now blows!
Relentless and with intention!!!

The shackles of night hold fast
in the wake of dawns embrace.
Snow and ice entomb the dead
we must gather our fallen.

The Cairns stacked high
as if by ancient, ceremonial hands.
We do this in Remembrance!
The hour is late, days grow cold,
giving way to night.

And as the spirals of time quicken.
And bitterness lays siege this land.
Focusing all discord
to the tip of a spear.
Rank and file, we march to our end!

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